Can I Overfeed My Baby?
June 6, 2017What Foods Can A 7 Month Old Baby Eat?
June 6, 2017
Help, what age can a baby eat peanut butter? Read an answer below.
You can give your baby a little smooth peanut butter on bread from about 9 months however you must first ascertain your baby is not allergic to nuts as nut allergies are far more common in young children than ever before. Being allergic to nuts can be very serious so always check this out first. If unsure about this check with a Health Professional.
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According to the NHS Website on nuts –
Nuts. Whole nuts, including peanuts, shouldn’t be given to children under five, as they can choke on them. As long as there’s no history of food allergies or other allergies in your family, you can give your baby peanuts once they’re six months old, as long as they’re crushed or ground into peanut butter.