When Can You Work Out After Having A Baby?

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When Can You Work Out After Having A Baby?

Did you want to know, when can you work out after having a baby? Please read the useful answers to this question below.

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1 Comment

  1. Natasha says:

    Be careful with this. Woman who were previously active and exercised a lot, tend to be very eager to jump straight back into it and eager to lose the extra weight they may have gained when they were pregnant. But be careful, childbirth is a big thing, your body goes through a lot and it needs time to recover.

    So if you had a normal birth, listen to your body and only start with gentle exercises, such as walking or gentle stretching. Then after you have had your 6 week postnatal check-up and if your doctor is happy, you can start more high impact exercises.

    I actually had a C-section, which made my recovery longer. For a couple of weeks, I was unable to walk much outside and I didn’t start running until 2 months. You will naturally be active when you are carrying your baby around, and you lose more calories when you breastfeed, then you will losing more calories.

    There is a lot of useful information on the NHS website when it comes to exercise – http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/pages/keeping-fit-and-healthy.aspx.

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