What Food Can A 10 Month Baby Eat?
June 6, 2017When Can My Baby Have Dairy?
June 6, 2017
Would you like to know the answer to, when can a baby eat mushrooms?
Some experts advise to wait until 10 to 12 months old before introducing mushrooms into baby’s diet.
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This is a good question.
From about six months old, you can start feeding your baby soft cooked vegetables, including mushrooms. If you cook them you will soften them, then you can mash or puree, or start giving them as finger foods.
However, some experts advise to wait until 10 to 12 months old before introducing mushrooms into baby’s diet.
My son didn’t like Mushrooms by themselves. So I started introducing them properly at 10 months old when I mixed them with other foods in a recipe!